
Your local info-App

+ from the people

+ for the people

+ without data theft

+ for participating

Download here for free


Your local info-App

+ from the people

+ for the people

+ without data theft

+ for participating

Download here for free

This is Molo.

Molo stands for moving local, means moving local news!

This is Molo.

Molo stands for moving local, means moving local news! is your new info app for news and events from your area. Many news get published directly via professional local media. Further, you will find information from local collectives, social movements, citizens‘ initiatives, cultural organisers and many, many more! is as colourful as your city itself. For reasons of clarity, you can filter and customise the content according to your interests. is currently available in Bremen and the surrounding metropolitan area. Soon the app will be available for other parts of Lower Saxony as well as for the Leipzig region. Our goal is for citizens all over Germany to have more opportunities to participate in their local environment through very soon.


Your Newsfeed

The newsfeed provides you with a daily overview of news from the media – the so-called officials and collectives. You can customise it according to your interests by choosing topics and sources that interest you. To make sure you don’t miss anything, our editorial team highlights particularly relevant news with a flame symbol. These „hot“ news items always reach everyone. In the calendar, you can look at events for a specific day or topics that interest you. This way you can create your very own event planner for your region.

The Idea

Every day we get overwhelmed by countless news. It is easy to lose touch. Especially at the local level, this can lead to people feeling less connected to their home town or region. At the same time, it is difficult to get exactly the information that is particularly important to you personally. bundles all news and events from the region. You will not only find the most important news from regional media but also smaller collectives and (official) institutions. This gives citizens a better overview of the many opportunities for social participation in the area. wants to help all participants in the city gain more visibility and thus contribute to a better common urban public sphere.

The editorial team

The editorial team consists of a permanent group of staff members and students of media studies at the University of Bremen and Leipzig. The content that is fed into the platform, either via RSS feed or via a simple input platform, is tagged with keywords (topics) by the editorial team and published. Users of can personalise their feed and calendar according to their interests. To avoid filter bubbles the editorial team selects particularly relevant content with changing thematic focuses („hot news“). This content is then displayed to all users. The work of the editorial team is based on journalistic principles and democratic values; inhumane content has no place at

About was developed as part of a scientific research project funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)) (more information HERE). What started the project was the gradual loss of relevance of traditional regional media and the lack of compensation through digital offers. Existing offers are not sufficiently perceived, especially by younger people. Therefore, new concepts were needed that meet the needs of individual users as well as the local public as a whole. was developed in „co-creation“, meaning that many people from Bremen and the surrounding area contributed to the development process. Additionally to potential users, these included journalists and representatives of local collectives, e.g. sports clubs, social movements and cultural institutions. In addition, the logo – i.e. molo – was created as part of an open competition. was developed specifically for Bremen and the surrounding area. In a further project funded by the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung  it will now be validated how can also be made available for other large and small cities (more info at

Our media cooperations

in Bremen

Join us!

All collectives and institutions make an important contribution to the city public and we would be happy if we could join as many participants as possible. Are you interested? Then get in touch with us!

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